Bérénice Bejo

Bérénice Bejo is an Argentine French Film Actress and Television Actress.

Berenice Bejo | Berenice Bejo Picture | The Artist | The Past | OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies | A Knights Tale | After Love | The Search | Populaire | Redoubtable | The Childhood of a Leader | The Last Diamond | Sweet Dreams | The Captive | Brave | Modern Love | www.myalltimefavoritemovies.com
Berenice Bejo


Born: July 7, 1976 in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Spouse: Michel Hazanavicius

Children: Gloria Hazanavicius, Lucien Hazanavicius

Education: High School

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Height: 5′ 6″ (1.67 m)


The Captive (2000)

Most Promising Young Actress (2000)

Passionemén (2000)

A Knight’s Tale (2001)

24 Hours in the Life of a Woman (2002)

Jeux De Piage (2003)

The Grand Role (2005)

Cavalcade (2005)

OSS 117: Cairo, Nest of Spies (2006)

13m2 (2007)

La Maison (2007)

Modern Love (2008)

Bouquet Final (2008)

Henri-Georges Clouzot’s Inferno (2009)

Proie (2010)

The Artist (2011)

Caio Bambino (2011)

Brave (2012)

Populaire (2012)

The Scapegoat (2013)

The Past (2013)

Seduced and Abandoned (2013)

The Last Diamond (2014)

The Search (2014)

The Childhood of a Leader (2015)

Sweet Dreams (2016)

After Love (2016)

Eternity (2016)

Redoubtable (2017)

Three Peaks (2017)

To the Top (2017)

The Extraordinary Journey of the Fakir (2018)

Funan (2018)

The Quietude (2018)

Nothing to Hide (2018)