Green Book is a 2018 American comedy drama film directed by Peter Farrelly and produced by Jim Burke, Brian Hayes Currie, Peter Farrelly, Nick Vallelonga, Octavia Spencer and Charles B. Wessler. The screenplay was written by Nick Vallelonga, Brian Hayes Currie and Peter Farrelly.

Rated: PG-13 (movie contains thematic content, language including racial epithets, smoking, some violence and suggestive material)
Run Time: 2h 10min
Release Date: November 16, 2018 (USA)
Genre: Biography, Comedy, Drama
Director: Peter Farrelly
Studio: Universal Pictures
Green Book stars Viggo Mortensen, Mahershala Ali, Linda Cardellini, Sebastian Maniscalco, Dimiter D. Marinov, Michael Hatton and Iqbal Theba.
Green Book is the story of Dr. Don Shirley (Mahershala Ali) a world-class African American pianist in the 1960’s. Dr. Shirley is about to embark on a concert tour in the deep South in 1962. In need of a driver and protection, Dr. Shirley recruits Tony Lip (Viggo Mortensen), a tough-talking straight forward bouncer from an Italian-American neighborhood in the Bronx. Despite their differences, the two men soon develop an unexpected bond while confronting racism and danger in an era of segregation.
Movie Quotes
“How does he smile and shake their hands like that?” – Tony Lip
“Because it takes courage to change people’s hearts.” – Oleg
“You never win with violence. You only win when you maintain your dignity.” – Dr. Don Shirley
“Oooh, I’m going to get grease on my blanky.” – Tony Lip
“Do you foresee any issues working for a black man?” Dr. Don Shirley
“You, in the Deep South, there’s going to be problems.” – Tony Lip
Official Movie Trailer
Movie Stars
Viggo Mortensen as Tony Lip
Mahershala Ali as Dr. Don Shirley
Linda Cardellini as Dolores
Sebastian Maniscalco as Johnny Veneer
Dimiter D. Marinov as Oleg
Mike Hatton as George
Iqbal Theba as Amit