
Kingpin is a 1996 American sports comedy film directed by Peter Farrelly and Bobby Farrelly and produced by Brad Krevoy, Steve Stabler and Bradley Thomas.  The screenplay was written by Barry Fanaro and Mort Nathan.

Kingpin | Kingpin Movie Poster | 1996 | Woody Harrelson | Randy Quaid | Vanessa Angel | Bill Murray | Chris Elliott | Lin Shaye | Rob Moran | |
Kingpin Movie Poster

Rated:  PG-13 (movie contains crude sex-related humor and a drug scene)
Run Time:  1h 54min
Release Date:  July 26, 1996 (USA)
Genre:  Comedy, Sports
Director:  Peter Farrelly and Bobby Farrelly
Studio:  Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer




Kingpin stars Woody Harrelson, Randy Quaid, Vanessa Angel, Bill Murray, Chris Elliott, Lin Shaye and Rob Moran.

Kingpin is the story of flashy young bowler named Roy Munson (Woody Harrelson) who wins the 1979 Iowa state bowling championship and leaves home to turn professional.  In his professional bowling tour debut, Roy defeats established professional Ernie McCracken (Bill Murray), who takes the loss poorly and seeks revenge.

Movie Quotes

“You’re on a gravy train with biscuit wheels.” – Ernie McCracken 
“What is it about good sex that makes you have to crap? You really jarred something loose, Tiger” – Landlady

“The world can kick your ass. I only have a vague recollection of when it wasn’t kickin’ mine.” – Roy Munson

“Just because you’re familiar with the missionary position doesn’t mean you are a missionary.” – Roy Munson
Look, Mr. Munster, you’re not exactly the smartest guy I ever ran across.” – Claudia
“Oh yeah? And who are you, Alfred Einstein?” – Roy Munson

Official Movie Trailer

Movie Stars

Woody Harrelson as Roy Munson

Randy Quaid as Ishmael

Vanessa Angel as Claudia

Bill Murray as Ernie McCracken

Chris Elliott as The Gambler

Lin Shaye as Landlady

Rob Moran as Stanley Osmanski