The Favourite is a 2018 American-English black-comedy drama film directed by Yorgos Lanthimos and produced by Ceci Dempsey, Ed Guiney, Lee Magiday and Yorgos Lanthimos. The screenplay was written by Deborah Davis and Tony McNamara.
Rated: R (movie contains strong sexual content, nudity and language)
Run Time: 1h 59min
Release Date: December 21, 2018 (USA)
Genre: Biography, Comedy, Drama
Director: Yorgos Lanthimos
Studio: Fox Searchlight Pictures
The Favourite stars Olivia Colman, Rachel Weisz, Emma Stone, Mark Gatiss, James Smith, Nicholas Hoult, Joe Alwyn and Jenny Rainsford.
The Favourite is the story of two cousins, Sarah Churchill, Dutchess of Marlborough (Rachel Weisz) and Abigail Masham, Baroness Masham (Emma Stone), who are both vying to be court favrorites of Queen Anne (Olivia Colman) in the early 18th century. England is at war with the French and a frail Queen Anne occupies the throne, and her close friend, Lady Sarah, governs the country in her stead, while tending to Anne’s ill health and mercurial temper. When a new servant, Abigail, arrives, her charm endears her to Sarah and she takes her under her wing and Abigail sees a chance to return to her aristocratic roots.
Movie Quotes
“Anne, you are too sensitive.” – Lady Sarah
“And you are too mean and uncaring, some days.” – Queen Anne
“Some days I’m quite lovely thought. Let’s think on them!” – Lady Sarah
“Have you come to seduce me, or rape me?” – Abigail
“I am a gentleman.” – Masham
“So, rape then.” – Abigail
“As it turns out, I’m capable of much unpleasantness.” – Abigail
“It is important to make new friends, is it not?” – Harley
“Yes. If that’s what’s actually happening here, and not veiled threats under the guise of civility.” – Abigail
Official Movie Trailer
Movie Stars
Olivia Colman as Queen Anne
Rachel Weisz as Lady Sarah Churchill
Emma Stone as Abigail Masham
Mark Gatiss as Lord Marlborough
James Smith as Godolphin
Nicholas Hoult as Harley
Joe Alwyn as Masham
Jenny Rainsford as Mae