David Dayan Fisher

David Dayan Fisher is an English Film Actor and Television Actor.

David Dayan Fisher | David Dayan Fisher Picture | The Last Post | America Brown | National Treasure | The Librarian: Quest for the Spear | Redline | Depth Charge | The Dark Knight Rises | Everlasting | Like Lambs | www.myalltimefavoritemovies.com
David Dayan Fisher


Born: June 6, 1967 in North London, England, United Kingdom

Spouse: None

Children: 1

Education: Mill High School

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

Height: 5′ 8″ (1.74 m)


The Last Post (2001)

America Brown (2004)

National Treasure (2004)

The Librarian: Quest for the Spear (2004)

Redline (2007)

Depth Charge (2008)

The Dark Night Rises (2012)

Everlasting (2016)

Like Lambs (2016)